Chad Hazen, Chief Curiosity Officer

RTD carbonated cold brew coffee

Los Angeles, California


How to launch a slightly carbonated, thoughtfully sweetened, naturally caffeinated ready-to-drink coffee brand in the midst of a pandemic.


Leaning into the seltzer trend, we saw the potential to establish the brand with consumers who share an affinity for fueling passions with an alternative caffeinated brew.


Position Sofee as ‘Coffee for the Curious’, while asking consumers: ‘So Why Not?’ and celebrating the brand’s somewhat quirky Southern California heritage as a mindset.

When Chad Hazen was training for a marathon, he found himself thirsting for a delicious coffee drink that was natural, healthy and refreshing without all of the chemical drawbacks. So being a home brewer of beer and roaster of coffee beans, he combined those two passions and created his own natural carbonated cold brewed cuppa joe. And then canned it. But in the time of Covid, how does a brand get people to sample something new? The Art Of Good created the “So Why Not?” campaign to convey the meaning behind the Coffee for the Curious brand. While also helping to get it into retail outlets. So when So-Cal residents saw Sofee on the shelves, they would be inclined to say, “Hells Yeah!, I’ll give it a try.”