Andrea Wizeman

Vocal studio and lessons

Hollywood, California


In the face of Covid-19, and the in-person nature of singing lessons, the Hollywood studio chose not to renew their lease and focus on remote instruction.


Evolve the idea of singing lessons and expand their core target. While also highlighting that lessons are now even more accessible by being remote.


We created the ‘Song is Sport’ campaign, treating learning to sing as a physical, full body activity one can participate in at home.

If you’re going to be taking singing lessons, then Hollywood seems like the place. Unless there’s a global pandemic happening, and belting out solos in a closed studio space may not be exactly what the doctor ordered. The Art Of Good conceptualized a campaign that focused on the physicality of the art “Singing Is Sport”. Emphasizing that choral pursuits are a full-body endeavor, and Amber Light Studios is committed to making you the best vocal athlete you can be. In doing so, we helped to transition their social presence, and how they got their remote lessons message out there. And while it may not be the high jump, it takes just as much skill and stamina to hit the high notes.