Cary Tepper

Dog walking.

West Los Angeles, California


With the community under lockdown and pet lovers at home during the day, they could take care of the dog walking duties themselves, and the business came to a standstill.


Convey that the act of dog walking with other dogs helps in the socialization behavior and is a critical part of their continued training and discipline.


We developed the ‘We can’t wait to get back to business’ campaign, emphasizing social distancing practices for humans and socialization for dogs.

In starting to work with West Side Dogs, The Art Of Good learned that dog walks are more than just a chance for our canine friends to get outside to do their thing. Walks are an important part of the dog’s socialization and training. So we created the “We Can’t Wait to Get Back to Business” campaign that looked at the walks from a dog’s-eye view. This included a Social Obedience pledge for the dogs, as well as a chance for dog walkers and owners to get to know each other, and their dog’s habits better, at a safe social distance of two 3-feet leashes, equalling 6-feet. And even better, as people started to see the refreshed West Side Dogs brand out on the sidewalk, new customer inquiries and people applying to be dog walkers has increased.